Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Week 3 : Testing and trying

Week 3

                       Hi all , it's week 3 . During this week , we will be trying to construct and setup the experiment . On the other hand , we will be also carry out testing on the magnetic strength for the magnets we bought . 

         With the raw materials bought , let's try to set up our experiment !

                         Beside that , special thanks to Dr.Woon for giving us his speaker and let us to carry out material extraction so that we can try for another magnets . 

                        At the same time , we trying to set up our experiment in different ways in order to explore the difference in the reaction of  magnets toward the solenoid .

                        Not only that, we also manage find a software which call as autotracker to track the motion of the magnetic pendulum. Here is the link to get the software ( 


                   From the testing on experiment that we carried out, we get to know that we need to find the magnetic ball or in other words , a magnet in sphere shaped because other shape of magnet will cause the complex motion and it is hard to track the motion according to suggestions by Dr. Woon. Beside that, we also learnt that in order to have a ideal simple harmonic motion, the angle of pendulum should not exceed 5 degree and the mass of pendulum must be larger than the string significantly. Based on the  explanation by Dr. Woon, we know that the copper wire that use to make the solenoid must coated with the insulator to avoid the current pass through. Lastly, we found out that we still not familiar with the autotracker software ,  therefore we will work hard and try our best to master the autotracker software , at the same time also will try our best to find a magnetic ball or "make" the magnets in to sphere shape .     

                Feeling interested in our project? No worries ,we will be updating our progress weekly so don't forget to catch up our updates ya . See you guys soon!                

Week 2 : Proposing of our ideas!

Week 2

              During the lab session in week 2 , it's time for us to proposed our ideas to Dr. Woon . After gaining the valuable and precious guidance and advice from Dr.Woon , we have decided to focus on our magnetic pendulum experiment .

              Here are the drafts for the experiment after we seek for advice from Dr.Woon :

           Throughout the experiment , we are going to use a software to track the motion of the pendulum which then lead us to analyse the motion of the magnetic pendulum on whether it's a simple harmonic motion or complex ?

             Feeling curious on how are we going to construct or setup the experiment ? How are we going to track the motion and analyse it ?

Image result for magnetic pendulum Image result for magnetic pendulum       Image result for magnetic pendulum

             Above are just some demonstration of magnetic pendulum . There are various ways of constructing a magnetic pendulum and ours will be different from the above shown  . Hence , do stay tuned for our upcoming exciting...interesting....updates ya ! Thanks for reading .

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Week 1 : It's time for grouping and thinking of ideas!

Week 1

Group Name :

Lecturer :
Dr. Woon Kai Lin

Group Members :

Che Zhi Kang SIB 150066
Khor Hock Guan SIB 150012
Rosnadiya Binti Rosli SIB 150061
Samihah Salwa Binti Md Nor SIB 150047
Wong Si Kee SIB 150058

Start from the left : Zhi Kang , Si Kee , Samihah , Rosnadiya and Hock Guan

            Hi Ladies and Gentlemen , we are third year students of Materials Science from the Faculty of Science of University of Malaya . 

                During the first week of our new semester , we are being divided into groups of five to carry out the open-ended lab project . We also created a whatsapp chat group for a more convenient communication among us .

         We've shared links and videos from all the related sources during our discussion in the whatsapp group . After a series of discussions , we meet up and we have decided to do project on magnetic pendulum , homemade loudspeaker and electromagnet pen .

             We will be proposing our ideas to Dr.Woon during the next lab session . That's all for Week 1 . Stay tuned for our updates ya! Thanks for reading !